Different Roles.
Common Ground.
Better Builds.
CSI Suncoast Chapter is part of a national association of more than 13,000 volunteers, including
specifiers, architects, engineers, contractors, facility managers, product representatives,
manufacturers, owners, and others who are experts in the design-build trades & professions
Together, We Build a Better Industry
We are dedicated to improving the communication of construction information through:
A diversified membership base of allied professionals involved in the creation and management of the built environment.
Continuous development and transformation of standards and formats.
Education and certification of professionals to improve project delivery processes.​
Chapter Highlights
CSI National has given Suncoast Chapter charter for a free, week-long camp providing young women an opportunity to explore a career path in the Design-Build industries.
Outstanding Chapter Commendation Award presented to our Suncoast Chapter at the CSI Southeast Regional Conference
in Tampa.
Our new Board of Directors was sworn in at the annual "Pass the Gavel" ceremony, kicking off the first event of another active year for CSI Suncoast!